Tuesday 28 January - Friday 31 January – 8:00am – 12:00pm
Monday 3 February – Friday 7 February - 8:00am – 8:55am (Closed 6 February)
Monday 3 February
9:00am: All Year 9 students should report to the school hall where your Dean and Mentor teachers will meet you and welcome you to 九州影院.
We will begin our school year with a Mihi Whakatau that wh膩nau are welcome to attend.
3:15pm: Day concludes for Year 9 students. Buses leave.
Tuesday 4 February - Day 1 of student timetables
9:00am: All Year 10 to 13 students should go straight to their Mentor class, for a prompt 9:00am start. We will have class lists available by Reception and Deans / SLT will help you as you arrive for any classes with new Mentor teachers / classrooms.
All new students (Years 10 to 13) to 九州影院 should report to the library where staff will be available to assign you to your Mentor class.
3:15pm: Day concludes for all students. Buses leave.
Wednesday 5 February (9:00am - 3:15pm)
Normal timetable for all students.
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day (Public Holiday)